Monday, March 05, 2007
Surgeon General Kiley: Walter Reed isn't his first coverup.The Blog | Art Levine: Lt. General "Coverup" Kiley: From Abused Detainees to Neglected Soldiers | The Huffington Post In a piece in Huffington Post, I look at Kiley's disagraceful legacy of hiding the ill-treatment of both detainees and soldiers, pointing out:
But the Walter Reed scandal isn't the first time that Kiley has covered up abuses. He was a point person for the Army's coverup of the torture and degrading treatment of detainees by health professionals, including psychologists, at Guantanamo and other unaccountable military detention sites. He commissioned whitewashed "studies" of the problem that concluded that there wasn't any abuse abetted by health professionals -- even though his investigators never talked to any detainees or their attorneys.
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